My Contribution to the Word Buffet

I saw the invitation from Leigh Ann Eck, back on March 14th. It read, “accept my invitation to the word buffet and write a slice sharing five of your favorite words”. Today is a day I’m feeling tired from my trip to Cleveland and as Leigh Ann predicted, I might have a writing day when “ideas just aren’t coming”. Thanks to Leigh Ann’s idea, now I’m baking up my contribution to add to the buffet and calling it my slice for this last Saturday of the challenge.

Here is my addition to the word buffet:

  1. shenaniganssilly or high-spirited behavior; mischief – for me, a fun-sounding word.
  2. skedaddledepart quickly or hurriedly; run away. – for me, another fun-sounding word which I learned when reading Charlie Skedaddle years ago while teaching a Civil War Book Club Unit.
  3. discombobulated confused and disconcerted – for me, a third fun-sounding word
  4. curiouseager to know or learn something – for me, what I strive to be.
  5. travelthe action of going from one place to another – for me, what I strive to do

Now, I plan to visit the Guest List and imagine “all of us slicers sitting together with our favorite notebooks and pens in hand and sharing our favorite words.” Thanks, Leigh Ann!

PS – If you ever find yourself in DC, plan a visit to Planet Word, a new museum devoted to WORDS!! It is filled with interactive galleries and exhibits that bring words and language to life in all sorts of fun ways.

12 thoughts on “My Contribution to the Word Buffet

  1. Jessica Carey says:

    Earlier this week I included the fact that grammarly says I’ve written over 3 million words since October! I keep trying to imagine all of those words in one place. Your slice made me think of that, a collective collection. Like in the book, The Word Collector. A beautiful image to conjure!


  2. Fran McCrackin says:

    I love your words and I love this well crafted line; ‘I’m baking up my contribution to add to the buffet and calling it my slice…’ also, so smart to share the good recommendation to Planet Word.


  3. kimhaynesjohnson says:

    Oh, how I love skedaddle! That one is simply fun and polite. You inspire me to come to the buffet. I haven’t arrived yet, but I’m gathering my words today and will come with a plateful tomorrow. Thanks for the inspiration!


  4. margaretsmn says:

    Fun words. My favorite is discombobulated because that is how I feel most of the time. I’d love to go to a word museum!


  5. Leigh Anne Eck says:

    A word museum!!! Wow! Thank you for baking something up for the buffet! It has been fun collecting all of the words altough I need to go back and gather some posts that I know I missed. I had a few days where my commenting was limited to three!


  6. Denise Krebs says:

    Sally, fun list. You won’t believe it, but two of my words are the same as yours. I thought they were fun to say too. I love that you picked curious and travel because they are things you want to be and do. I do want to go to Planet Word!


  7. natashadomina says:

    I second the recommendation of Planet Word. Such a fun museum! I love the words you chose, and the combination of fun, more unusual words and also more common words whose meaning is important.


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